If you have ongoing debt problems, you probably are getting creditor or collector phone calls to your home, office, friends or family…which can be a real bummer. I'll bet you didn't know those collector calls can mean gold for you. It is probable that one or more collectors are violating your rights. The only way
READ MORE »Whoa…what made you think that? Paying old debts gets you to be debt free…but does not necessarily improve your credit score. It is important to understand this distinction. The creditors nor the bureaus have any vested interest in having your credit report be cleaned up. As mentioned in previous emails, the bureaus make the most
READ MORE »(Note to consumers: this is third in a series on debunking credit repair and credit restoration myths. The information contained herein is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed) In the first editorial in this series, we defined a myth as: something you believe because you heard it from someone else or saw it on