If you paid cash for everything, you would have no credit history. If you have no credit history, you have no credit! Use of credit is important to developing a great credit score. But you must follow the guidelines for keeping it great, which include: 1) keep your debt-to-credit ration under 30% per card
READ MORE »A good credit score is made from the history of charging and paying off credit cards and other debts. But paying off your credit cards each month is not the best way to develop a credit history. You need to owe a bit, and pay a bit to develop it. Paying everything off each month
READ MORE »This is a common misconception. There are several factors that must be considered when applying for new credit. 1) If you apply for several credit cards at once, each occurrence will result in an "inquiry" on your credit report. Each inquiry drops your score about 7 points. So it would be prudent to carefully
READ MORE »Did you know that students loans in our country are now more than one trillion dollars? That is more than the total credit card debt and car loans combined! Unbelievable! The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CPFB) recently published some tools they have developed to help students and their parents make smart choices. The place to