Category "Credit Education"
Congressman Lacy Clay and Donna Perkins photographed at an event August 5th as a fundraiser for Congressman Clay's reelection. At this event, Ms Perkins was representing the National Association of Credit Services Organizations (NACSO), the organization that scrutinizes and monitors the best practices of those Credit Restoration firms who voluntarily participate for the good of
READ MORE »You can also overhaul your transmission if you know what you are doing, or walk into a courtroom to defend yourslef. The fact is that most people don't have the experience, time, or persistence to enforce their rights on credit bureaus. Unless you study for a long time, you as a consumer, are unlikely to
READ MORE »(Note to consumers: this is third in a series on debunking credit repair and credit restoration myths. The information contained herein is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed) In the first editorial in this series, we defined a myth as: something you believe because you heard it from someone else or saw it on
READ MORE »(Note to consumers: this is second in a series on debunking credit repair and credit restoration myths. The information contained herein is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed) In the last editorial, we defined a myth as: something you believe because you heard it from someone else or saw it on a website like
READ MORE »(Note to consumers: This is the first in a series regarding common misconceptions about credit repair or credit restoration. The information contained is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed.) What is a myth? Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines a myth as "a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of
READ MORE »There is so much negative information on the net these days regarding credit repair. It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Articles abound, and it is hard to tell the truth from fiction. At KC Credit Services, our 22 year spotless record speaks for itself. With more than 110,000 customers served,
READ MORE »The Federal Trade Commission, who along with the help of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, has long been the watchdog of the credit repair industry. In the past five years, the number of complaints by consumers about unfair dealings with credit repair companies has diminished each year. In 2012, there were about 2,000,000 complaints across
READ MORE »It's official! The state of our credit has made national news! 60 Minutes did an expose on the state of the nations credit histories for our citizens. What they found doesn't even begin to show the size of the iceberg under the surface. Everything we do today, unless we live in a cave, in one
READ MORE »Dec 13 2012: By Nicholas Owens, Guest Columnist Consumer Financial Protection Bureau report details how the nation’s largest credit bureaus manage consumer data Credit cards dominate consumer reports; Debt collection tops disputes WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a report on the consumer experience with the three largest nationwide credit
READ MORE »You have probably heard the buzz at some point: "there are ways to create an alternative tax identification number". So I felt it was important to discuss this subject so you know the facts, and not believe the "hype" on the internet. At one time, hundreds of websites were advertising that they could get you