(Note to consumers: this is third in a series on debunking credit repair and credit restoration myths. The information contained herein is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed) In the first editorial in this series, we defined a myth as: something you believe because you heard it from someone else or saw it on
READ MORE »(Note to consumers: this is second in a series on debunking credit repair and credit restoration myths. The information contained herein is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed) In the last editorial, we defined a myth as: something you believe because you heard it from someone else or saw it on a website like
READ MORE »(Note to consumers: This is the first in a series regarding common misconceptions about credit repair or credit restoration. The information contained is deemed to be accurate, but not guaranteed.) What is a myth? Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines a myth as "a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of