
Congressman Lacy Clay and Donna Perkins photographed at an event August 5th as a fundraiser for Congressman Clay's reelection.  At this event, Ms Perkins was representing the National Association of Credit Services Organizations (NACSO), the organization that scrutinizes and monitors the best practices of those Credit Restoration firms who voluntarily participate for the good of

in June 11, 2013 by in Credit Education, Your Money

If you have ongoing debt problems, you probably are getting creditor or collector phone calls to your home, office, friends or family…which can be a real bummer. I'll bet you didn't know those collector calls can mean gold for you.  It is probable that one or more collectors are violating your rights.  The only way

in April 10, 2013 by in Credit Scoring, Your Money

When you are single and apply for a credit card, house or car, you are the only one responsible.  You are the one that affects your credit score…nobody else. When you decide to marry, or team up with someone to apply for joint credit, there are some interesting dynamics you should be aware of.  Everything

in April 9, 2013 by in Credit Education, Credit Repair

There is so much negative information on the net these days regarding credit repair.  It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys.  Articles abound, and it is hard to tell the truth from fiction. At KC Credit Services, our 22 year spotless record speaks for itself.  With more than 110,000 customers served,

in April 3, 2013 by in Your Money

Back before 1988, there were no ATM charges.  Afterwards, a Nevada bank started charging a bank fee for withdrawals made on a bank other than its own.  It didn’t take long for the rest of the banking community to recognize the profitability of following the lead of the Nevada bank, and soon thereafter, many bank

in March 13, 2013 by in Announcements, Your Money

With more than one trillion dollars in current student loans, and climbing, there are literally thousands of students who are under water on their payments.  You don't have to be one of them. Our federal student loan consolidation program can fix that.  After enrollment, the Company pulls information on all your loans, then negotiates with

in March 12, 2013 by in Announcements, Your Money

During National Consumer Protection Week, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced they are putting their attention on Financial Elder Abuse.  This is a national epidemic, and our seniors are being exploited in a variety of ways. For instance, In Georgia recently, there was a husband and wife who were indicted for allegedly defrauding an

in March 12, 2013 by in Announcements, Your Money

Did you know that students loans in our country are now more than one trillion dollars?  That is more than the total credit card debt and car loans combined!  Unbelievable!  The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CPFB) recently published some tools they have developed to help students and their parents make smart choices.  The place to

in March 11, 2013 by in Credit Scoring

In 2013, a new law is being brought before Legislators to help consumers better review and understand their credit scores.   This new amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act has several major changes in it that will help consumers.  Proposed by Senator Sanders, with the help of Senators Boxer, Feinstein, Menendez and Lautenberg, propose the

in February 27, 2013 by in Announcements, Credit Repair

The Federal Trade Commission, who along with the help of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, has long been the watchdog of the credit repair industry.  In the past five years, the number of complaints by consumers about unfair dealings with credit repair companies has diminished each year.  In 2012, there were about 2,000,000 complaints across