Options for Financial Challenges

Options for Multiple Financial Challenges

The team at KC Credit Serivces is dedicated to your financial success!  With that in mind, the company offers years of experienceFinancial Maze providing a number of alternatives to the challenges you may be facing.  Here is a brief synopsis of what you can expect to hear about from us:

Business Credit.  What if you could find a legal alternative to using your social security number and personal credit when you want to make a large purchase like a home or vehicle, credit cards, lines of credit and more?  Well, there is a way to do that.  It's called business credit.  If you own a business, or are thinking about starting one, we can help you make this happen.  The process takes about a year of your time and effort, but is well worth it.  The process is simple, and comes with a super guarantee:  $50,000 in new business lines of credit with 5 vendors within six months.  By that time you will have a Dun and Bradstreet Paydex score that will allow you to purchase the things you want using your business EIN number.  Learn more here...

Click Here to download and print our referral partner brochure!  This is a two-sided, color, PDF document.

See articles:  Is Business Credit A Real Possibility?     Learn About Business Credit

Debt Negotiation Services:  Millions of Americans today have a lot of debt on their personal credit cards, lines of credit, store cards, gas cards…almost all kinds of debt that is unsecured by real property.  Many cannot continue to pay the high interest rates, including fees and penalties that keep accruing on those accounts.  If you are ready to get your financial house in order with credit restoration, you may need us to help you debt-negotiate, and make sure that those creditors cannot come back at you later.  If you have accounts that fall into this category under a total of about $20,000, then we can help.  Learn more here...

Debt Relief Program.  As noted above, the amount of debt carried by many Americans is staggering.  If you have total unsecured debts above $20,000, and up to $300,000 either personal or business debts, then our Debt Relief Program may be for you.  By enrolling those unsecured debts, whether you are current or delinquent, charged off, closed or sold to a collection company, this company works to change the terms of those debts to your favor.  The company takes it from there, working hard to discourage all manner of collection attempts.  If this sounds like the kind of program you could utilize, click here.

Qualified Written Request.  When a consumer has a mortgage loan that has inequities built right in, that loan may have RESPA violations.  If your loan was generated between 2000 and 2007, it likely has some of these violations.  If you would like us to develop a case that could allow the basis for negotiating a short sale, loan modification, or reduction of your principle balance, this program may be for you.  Learn more here...

If Bankruptcy Seems Your Only Option.  Sometimes, we have multiple problems through investments and other debts that have piled up, and believe that bankruptcy is the only option.  We have a nationwide service that can refer you to a caring and experienced bankruptcy lawyer near you who will interview you to see if your issues are a fit for his services.  Learn more here...