Credir Repair Services at KCCS

You are not treated as a "number" at KC Credit Services.  We know that one program does NOT fit all.  So with us, you have choices galore!

At KC Credit Services, no client is ever billed in advance for services performed.  The Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Credit Repair Organizations Act are two of the many laws that govern how we perform our service.  You pay as you go each month, AFTER our services have been performed.  At KC Credit Services, you are treated as a valued client, and are assigned a personal Credit Concierge™.  Our services go way beyond the other leaders in the industry, and you can be assured that our staff attorney is "on the case" wherever necessary.  With over 110,000 customers served since 1991, KC Credit Services maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau…quite a feat!

The Gold Program

The Platinum Program

The Platinum-Plus Program

Options for Financial Challenges


Click Here to download and print our brochure!  This is a two-sided, color, PDF document.